
It’s never too early to be proactive when you’re thinking about putting your house on the market. That means you're about to be inundated by "helpful" suggestions and "must-do" recommendations from realtors, friends and family. Change this! Upgrade that! Rip that out! Put this in!

It's almost enough to make you want to just… stay… put!

Our Make Ready For Market service is designed to help you navigate the process of preparing your house and feel good about your choices as seamlessly -- and affordably -- as possible. All without a major amount of stress.

Here's how it works: We'll walk through the home with you and assess together the Visual Impact and Physical Condition of the rooms and features of the home. We'll discuss how the house presents itself from a design-savvy remodelers perspective. Then we’ll examine details large and small: How quiet your stairs are... how sturdy the railings are... whether the doors and windows operate properly, and much, much more. Our primary focus is to create a plan of items that really should be addressed as well as those things that are perfectly fine and clearly discretionary.

Accomplishing the tasks on the list we generate will help instill the confidence to bring in the realtors…  and potential buyers… and eventually a home inspector knowing that your house is seriously prepared for market.

It's important to note that Make Ready For Market does not address systems and mechanicals: That is best and most appropriately left to your licensed professionals in their respective fields. And when it comes to the final say regarding sales worthiness, your professional realtor is always a great resource.

You are free to modify our Make Ready For Market recommendations as you see fit. And you may choose to use All Square Carpentry to affect the adjustment/improvements or possibly choose another provider.

Finally, once you have had a serious buyer complete their home inspection, we’re experienced at taking the list of “must-haves” they might provide and get those items completed. Our focus is getting you to "SOLD!"

All Square Carpentry, 45 Farmersville Road, Califon, NJ 07830 | (908) 832-6947 |

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